All about Abraham

26 Jul

I have been in Ohio this week visiting my sister and her kids.  By the way, you don’t know awesome until you’ve held 19 pounds of 7 month old goodness!!!  But Clark isn’t my intended subject of this post.

His brother Abraham is!  Abraham is… well, you know what? I’m going to interview Abie and let him tell you all about himself.  But I have to wait until he wakes up….

Abie, how old are you?

not know, um 12 or 16

Are you maybe almost 4?

um, yeah

What’s the best thing about being a big brother?


Are you in a bad mood?



I dont like you so much right now

Oh no!  Why?

Because i am being the bad guy

What’s your favorite food?

Chicken and queso and cake and markers

You’re going to eat markers?

yeah (giggles)

random musing about inside markers versus outside markers that I don’t really understand.

I also like pizza

What’s the best thing about being a big brother?

Teaching clarkie to poop on the potty

What’s the best thing about mommy?

she feed clarkie

What’s the best thing about daddy?

going to work with daddy sometimes

What about Aunt KK?

going to big splash

What do you want to be when you grow up?

space man and superman and batman and an airplane man and an army man and air force can.  That’s all.

Who’s better, Superman, Batman or Spiderman?

Space Boy

Who’s Space Boy?

I don’t know.  I guess he goes to space.

What is your favorite color?


Who dresses you?

no one

Do you chose your own outfits?


What is your favorite thing to wear?

purple clothes

Do you have any of those?


I like my apron, work clothes and work bag

What do you keep in your work bag?

work stuff and my apron

Who made your Toy Story apron?


What else would you like to tell me?

My favorite thing is hugging and kissing Clarkie

Great!  Thanks Abie!!  Who loves you?

Aunt KK

Abie wore this to Applebee’s over his shorts and t-shirt. When we asked him why, he said, “In case I eat something messy.” THAT is planning ahead!


This is a very typical outfit for Abraham. He is sporting a white t-shirt with a sweater vest and gray sweatpants. He is also wearing his yellow and blue Old Navy flip flops.





One Response to “All about Abraham”

  1. Tamara July 27, 2012 at 12:42 am #

    OK, I’m laughing out loud, and the cats are looking at me curiously. Have a great visit! Let me know if Dot needs anything I can help with.

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